The plaque dedicated to the memory of the people deported to Siberia and convicted in show trials

The plaque was placed on the wall of the Sports and Recreation Centre at Lipowa Street in November 2008. It refers to a number of...

The war graves at cemeteries in Sokolow Podlaski

In the cemetery at Bartoszowa Street it is worth to see the common grave of Wladyslaw Prawecki (the first commander of the Sokolow District of...


Church of Jan Bosko Sadowa 2 Street, phone (25) 781 76 00, ( 25) 787 22 50 Church of Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary  Skwer Najświętszej Maryi...

The roadside chapels

The chapel of St. Jan Nepomucen The precious monument in the city is a wooden chapel with a folk statue of St. Jan Nepomucen, placed...

Church of Jan Bosko

Salesian priests were invited to Sokolow by urban authorities in July 1925. In accordance with charismatic of the congregation, founded in 1859 by Fr. the...


In Sokolow there are 10 parks and squares. 27 trees in the park and palace complex at Lipowa St. are considered the nature monuments.


Sokolow is the oldest city in the historical region of Podlasie with long and interesting history.


Most part of historical buildings in the city was destroyed during World War II. Some of them, however, you can still see.


In Sokolow there is a lot of national memorial places, linked with the history of the city, telling stories about the Sokolow fate in various historical periods.

Useful addresses

Useful addresses
Accommodation, catering, and more.

The historical trail of Sokolow

The historical trail of Sokolow
The trail consists of 15 points important to the city history. At each of them a table with description was set.

Witamy w Sokołowie Podlaskim
Welcome to Sokolow Podlaski
Добро пожаловать в Соколyв-Подляский

Sokołów Podlaski położony jest niedaleko od atrakcji turystycznych Mazowsza i Podlasia. W mieście znajduje się wiele ciekawych miejsc wartych odwiedzenia. Naszym bogactwem jest długa i interesująca historia, którą chcemy zainteresować mieszkańców i turystów.

Sokolow is located close to the tourist attractions of Mazovia and Podlasie. In the city there are many interesting places to visit. Our treasure is a long and interesting history which we would like to present to residents and tourists.

Соколув находится недалеко от туристических достопримечательностей Мазовша и Подлясья. В городе есть много интересных мест для посещения. Нашим богатством является длинная и интересная история, которой мы хотим представить жителям и туристам.

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